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Welcome to Bridgnorth Lists - an online database of names found in Bridgnorth document collections and lists. Spanning dates from 1559 to 1950, this information is invaluable for anyone researching family history in Bridgnorth, across Shropshire and beyond.
The first section of the Third Great Leet Book, from 1637 to 1684, is nearing completion! However, there is still a delay as I have decided to add in the financial notes from the records - and as these were written in the margin in microscopic latin, they are taking a while to add.
So... while you wait, I have uploaded the 1847 Poll Book. Printed in English (something of a relief!), it takes the Poll Book record collection into the era covered by the census and includes many who are not listed in the Bridgnorth Burgess Book. More information can be found about it on the Poll Books page.
The 1710 Poll Book is now online! Unlike the 1727 and 1741 poll books, this one contains burgess admission dates, so it's easier to cross-reference with the Bridgnorth Burgess Book. You can read more about it on the Poll Books page.
There have also been a few changes to the search forms for the Poll Books and Oath Rolls, allowing you to narrow your search to a particular year.
If you check the F.A.Q. page, you will see that there are now answers to a few basic questions about this site. Please do email me if you have a question that you would like to see answered here.
Next on my list (unless I get distracted) is the Great Leet Book, which contains some of the earliest burgess records of the town. To borrow a line from A Rhyming History of Britain, it consists of 'page after page of latin screed; that's quite impossible to read.' So this should be fun...
Bridgnorth Lists is exactly one month old today! My heartfelt thanks to those of you who have provided feedback - your help has been invaluable. I have replied to each of you, so if you didn't get my messages, do remember to check your junk mail folder.
Two new lists (about 600 names in total) have gone online in the last week or so - the 1662 Oath Roll, which is the fourth and final part of the oath roll collection, and the 1650 Suit Roll, which is the first population list after the fire of 1646. You can read a little more about these lists on the Oath Rolls page and the Suit Rolls page.
I'm currently eyeing up the 1710 Poll Book, which I have a particular fondness for as it took me back two generations and bridged a gap in my family tree. Watch this space!
Bridgnorth Lists is online! The Bridgnorth Burgess Book is complete and searchable, with over six thousand names, and you can also search an index of over three thousand wills made in Bridgnorth and the surrounding area.
There are also Poll Books, Suit Rolls, Oath Rolls, a list of Bailiffs and other records - over seventeen thousand names in total, and counting!
The records also include people who have moved away from the Bridgnorth area, including places like London and Birmingham - and occasionally more exotic locations like Rhodesia, Antigua and Gibraltar! So if you think there might be a Bridgnorth link in your family, why not have a look around the site and see what you can find?
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